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Peanut Butter & Jelly, not just delicious, but also healthy



Many people think of peanut butter as just a snack.


Once many people get to high school, they avoid eating PB & J sandwiches because they think it is unhealthy.


However, they couldn’t be more wrong. According to Marge Perry, PB & J contains fiber and protein that help the body run to the best of its ability. Surprisingly, peanut butter on whole wheat bread supplies people with an amazing amount of protein and other nutrients that help the body maintain peak performance levels.


Not to mention, the taste of peanut butter is amazing. The best is when its scooped on a spoon and licked off like a lollipop. It’s even better when it fills you up because of how much protein and fiber it contains.


Instead of going for a bag of potato chips, grab a PB & J sandwich and get all the healthy components needed to gain more energy. It’s even worth having it for breakfast because it will keep you full for a longer period of time.


The diseases that peanut butter can prevent are multiple. Many people know at least one person with diabetes. According to Jennifer Hartnett, everyone knows how much it changes someone’s life, but peanut butter can help prevent people from getting diabetes. Peanuts and peanut butter maintains the blood sugar level in healthy people and people with diabetes, Harnett continues. It also strengthens the immune system, which helps fight diseases and sickness.


There are so many benefits to peanut butter that many people did not even know about. Plus, it is just so dang good!


Works Cited


Perry, Marge. “The Benefits Of Peanut Butter.” Google, Google, 2011,

Hartnett, Jennifer. “Is Peanut Butter Healthy? The Top 10 Health Benefits of Peanut Butter.” The Healthy Mummy, 26 Oct. 2017,

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