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Study Hall: Relevant or Not?

By Isabella Celentano

Is study hall relevant? The short answer is yes. It provides students with an opportunity to complete their homework in school, go to extra help, or even talk with their friends. 


Depending on the individual, study hall could be seen as a way to focus, get work done in school, and learn how to best approach study tactics. For others who are not as focused, however, it becomes a waste of time. 


For me personally, I dislike having study hall block 1; it is irrelevant. There are no teachers available for help, as most are all teaching their first class, and I can not focus so early in the morning. I would rather sleep in and do work at home than go to study hall. 


For classmate Bridget Doherty, it is the same. She states that when she has study hall block 1, she is less productive than when she had study hall block 3. She stated that when having block 3 study hall, “most of my teachers were free which was extremely helpful with homework and class work.” 


On the other hand, 10th grader Emma Casal who has study hall block 2 finds that she gets a lot of work done, and it is a  good time to talk to friends. Maeve Walsh agrees that she can get work during study hall, but it depends on the day and whether or not there was work assigned or tests to prepare for.


If you are a student who can always put your time to good use instead of procrastinating, study hall should be beneficial. It is a great way to learn time management skills prior to the college years.

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