Senior Day
By Marlena Balic
Senior Day for all sports around the country is a fun filled, joyous day in which high school teams celebrate their graduating seniors.
At Westlake High School specifically, we honor each team with large banners of our senior members on each field or court and hang a group picture of them at the entrance of our school acknowledging their accomplishments. Also, the underclassmen present the seniors of each Varsity team with a poster of pictures highlighting the team’s events and camaraderie over the past few years together. The underclassmen then follow up with speeches about each player and how he/she has personally impacted the sport and his/her team’s development.
The coach also adds some words about the seniors and their journeys within the sport. Parents and siblings gather to cheer on their seniors as they play one of the last games of their career.
Senior Day tends to be one of the last home games of the year in order to make it more memorable. The underclassmen work tirelessly to make sure they have the perfect gifts and posters.
Even though it is very sad for underclassmen to watch some of their best friends leave for college, it is exciting to know they will go on to do great things.
Senior Day is important and well worth the wait, as we recognize all the players have done and worked hard to achieve over their time at Westlake.