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Overspending in America

By Molly Schutt

The prominent cause of overspending lies within the rise of influencers on social media. Whether it be brand deals or a genuine likeness of a product, influencers will shove it in consumers’ faces. For the most part, when a viewer sees a person with an excess of followers rave about a certain product, the viewer feels inclined to purchase it. This is still the case even if said viewer does not necessarily NEED the product. Consumers tend to trust these influencers based on how the public views them.

Have you ever found a shirt or article of clothing you have really wanted, and it was only $10 online? But when clicking to purchase it, the price skyrockets an extra $30? If you have, then you relate to most people. The misleading front of prices that websites market, gives the buyer a reassuring feeling, as if it was a ‘steal’. But, because of the shipping and taxes it, in fact, was not a steal. Regardless, some brush off the feeling of panic when they see the price raise and click ‘buy’ anyway, not realizing the damage it may do to their bank account. 

Buyers today face another issue that creates overspending: online banking. Seeing numbers on a screen is definitely not the same as tangible money. Because all they seem to be are digital numbers, what’s $60 more of negative balance?  

Lastly, a popular ’trend’ people tend to take part in is  emotional spending. Considering the fact that emotional regulation and coping skills are at an all-time low,people turn to shopping as their ’therapy’ when in reality it’s just less money to go towards actual therapy. Perhaps some people are genuinely going through a rough time, but spending in order to cope actually is much more damaging than most people want to admit. This form of therapy has become even more common as many individuals see others use shopping as their coping mechanisms; because of this, they tend to follow by example, even if they have no liquid money to spend - credit and forget it. So, society cannot blame influencers as the only  beings who prompt others to consume products of no use. 

Unfortunately, those in marketing have become extremely intelligent and continue to figure out ways to lure in shoppers. Some methods include: shoving the product in your face, relatability, something to make them stand out, and of course, brand deals with your favorite celebrity. These tactics are nearly impossible to resist, hence why most people overspend on merchandise. With the holiday season just around the corner, marketers are banking on these foolproof ways to reach buyers.

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