Is Alexa Always Listening?
By Kathryn Wilson
While using our modern day technology, we often overlook how our technology is understanding our questions, our likes and dislikes, and always supplying us with advertisements right after we were looking for them on Google.
We need to be more concerned about Alexa. Is she always listening?
Westlake High School student Samantha DeLouise, a junior, believes, “all the electronics are listening to sell more things to us so that they can target ads towards us.”
Although many may feel angry or confused, DeLouise said, “To be honest, I feel pretty unbothered by it, and I think we should probably start getting used to it.”
It is personally unsettling that Alexa can and does hear our daily conversations. However, after surveying 16 students and staff, 93% agreed that Alexa does listen all of the time and only 20% were actually bothered by it.
As we progress in our time of technology, we must understand that robots are constantly listening to us, and many times, it is not too concerning. This is how they find our common interests and see what advertisements to give us, but it is also unsettling that we cannot exactly control what Alexa hears if she is plugged in and prepared to do what we ask.
This is a small version of what we should prepare for ourselves in years to come and the progression of robots.